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Important Information for the Seller Regarding Terms & Conditions(T&C):
- The Seller's arrangement with Luxe Marché is subject to the Terms & Conditions(T&C) listed in the relevant T&C document that is shared along with the official consignment email.
- A few important aspects are being highlighted here for the attention of probable Sellers in the interest of 'Zero Tolerance for Counterfeit' policy followed by Luxe Marché.
- The period of consignment is 90 days from the date of products going live on the website.
- Each consigned product undergoes a mandatory, automated, authentication process. Luxe Marché follows India's best and most stringent three-tier authentication process.
- A product if found to be counterfeit through this process will be dealt with in accordance with the standing law. Luxe Marché reserves the right to pursue appropriate legal proceedings against the said Seller.
- In order for the Seller to receive such a counterfeit article back from Luxe Marché, the seller will be charged a counterfeit penalty of Rs. 5000 along with actuals of the logistics cost borne by Luxe Marché (combined called 'counterfeit dues').
- These payment details to be borne by the Seller will be shared in an invoice along with the email confirming that the consigned article has been found to be counterfeit.
- Such pending dues shall be paid by the Seller within 15 days of receiving the emailed invoice in order to receive the article back from Luxe Marché.
- Failure to clear the counterfeit dues will force Luxe Marché to destroy the counterfeit article after the above mentioned period of 15 days. It is illegal for anyone to posses any such counterfeit article in India.